Dress for Success Tasmania provides appropriate clothing and styling advice for women who may be seeking to re-enter the workforce after a period of unemployment, may need to dress formally for a range of other situations such as appearances in court, attending a funeral, returning to the community after a period of imprisonment or any other circumstances when access to our services would make a difference.

Dress for Success Tasmania also provides a comprehensive career support program building skills, knowledge and confidence to assist women in achieving their employment or study goal. This includes CV and resume advice, job application tips, interview preparation and career support workshops.

We welcome all women, trans and gender diverse people comfortable in women’s spaces to offer a non-judgemental, empathetic and professional service that strives to empower and help reclaim confidence.

Download our brochure here.

For an appointment or more information, please contact us at clients@wordpress-928560-4542604.cloudwaysapps.com or 0437 771 947

Our core programs include:

Interview Styling is a one (1) hour appointment where clients receive a complete outfit ready for interview. The appointments are run by our trained volunteers and leave the client feeling confident and ready to walk into their interview or new job role.

If they are successful in obtaining a position, they can book an Employment Styling session, where we will pull together a capsule wardrobe which provides the client a whole week’s worth of clothing to start their new job.

With our Life Event Styling we also support women who may need to attend court or have a reason in their life for a particular outfit (graduation, wedding, funeral etc).

The clothes are the clients to keep and are all excellent condition quality brand name work wear. Clients often walk away with bags filled with clothing worth in excess of hundreds of dollars. But it really is so much more than just the clothes, it’s the confidence that the women get and the help they receive to put together outfits that work and compliment their size and shape.

Career Support

We support women to develop their resume, write a cover letter and to put together a job application for a specific purpose. This is done on an individual basis either virtually, via email or face to face.

Prison Program

We provide a “Welcome Backpack” to women exiting Mary Hutchinson Prison.  These contain the basic, essential items women need to be able to exit the correctional system with dignity.